OK, so it starts. The latest epic roadtrip. 5 National parks, Two countries, ten days, three guys.
Seattle Wa to Penticton BC

Packed in the driveway in Seattle, awaiting the call....

One of the bikes wasn't ready until late in the afternoon, we got a late start and ended up driving through the night to reach the border and our first (and only) preplanned stop. Heading north on I-5....

Took Highway 20 across the North Cascade Mountains - one of my favourite bike roads. Minimal traffic, twisties, good pavement, beautiful scenery. Beginning the most tangled portion...

Yours truly - If the helmet was off, you'd see the huge grin. I love this road, and my new radar detector had already saved our butts three times. Good stuff.

Ross Lake has been dammed, when we crossed, the green glacial water was overlaid with a thick band of fog. Half expected a dragon to stick out it's head. Magical scenery.

The top. Rainy Pass. I let the bike roll out here, leaving the others behind, it's supremely comfortable at 120-150 mph. Waiting for the others to catch up....

Finally crossing the border into Canada. No hassles, no power mad underlings manning the gates. Nice, no stress, treated like people. Big grins....

Got into Pentiction late, got some food, promptly fell asleep when our heads hit the pillows. Night riding is taxing, you're always trying to make out what is just out of your headlight range, always alert and scanning the ditches for deer. Got up, hit the next door Tim Hortons for breakfast, met an English guy vacationing in the Pacific Northwest, he walked around the bikes and told us stories of how he used to ride and go watch the Isle of Mann TT all the time. Actually, one of the ongoing highlights of our trip was meeting people and talking. Leaving Pentiction, we headed North toward Jasper, rolling along a long lake, the road snaking smoothly along the bank. Rocking on the CBR600...

All cool on the R1....

Yep. Bikes and scenery. Just get used to it, OK. Note the dark clouds in the background....

Labels: Holiday, Motorcycle
Hey Bob it was a damn good pleasure riding with ya. Great blog!
3 days after the trip I picked up an '06 gix 750. Selling the F4i.
Hey Bob here are my pics of the trip
My pics of the trip
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