This is a map of Windy Ridge, the road leading up to Mt St Helens crater from the east. I spotted the mountain with red. As you can imagine, it's ridiculously fun on a motorcycle, plus you get to see the smoking lava dome growing inside the crater at the end. A coworker and friend organized a little ride yesterday, four of us ended up going, here's the story and pics.....

The long, lonely road to get there. 2 R1's, a SV650, and me on my Zx10r. That used to be a lake...( p.s. - as always, click on the pics and they'll get BIGGER.)

Mellow cruising, great weather.

Finally, WINDY RIDGE. After getting stuck behind convoys of slow moving harley packs, oblivious suv drivers, it all becomes worth it...

Banking in for landing...

The (un)usual suspects at the end of the road.Yellow Jacket guy was a beemer rider we ripped by, then got to talking with at a lookoff. He was about to turn around at that point, missing the best 4-5 miles of twisties and the view of the crater. We convinced him to come along.

The mountain.

The bikes, resting from their efforts.

Heading back. The combination of grand-scale scenery, still full of signs of unimaginable destruction, the sinuous road with absolutely nothing but self preservation instincts keeping you from falling a long way down, and the occasional gravel coated corner all conspire to divide your attention. In other words, cycling nirvana.

Yep. Going off here would ruin your whole day...

Stopped at a little "restaurant" to eat. Looking back....

Dude, get out of the shot...

Thats better...

Look at that smile!...

Miles and miles of fun...

Balanced by being stuck in miles and miles of slow moving traffic on the way home to Seattle. Frame protectors do double duty as highway pegs...

It was a great way to spend the day. Y'all missed out.
Labels: Earth, Motorcycle
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