Part Two - Pentiction BC to Revelstoke BC

As you can see, we deviated from the plan. We were to originally make the run through Kamloops and continue north to Jasper National park. Plans change. Shortly after we left Pentiction, the rain started. And continued. And continued. Sometimes, it would get lighter, then heavier, but it never quit. All day.
Here in Seattle, it rains so frequently that the roads are constantly washed clear. Here, the rain brought up all the dust and old oil, coating the bikes and making riding interesting. We actually witnessed a three car pileup at a red light as the drivers were sliding on the slick surface. We had a conversation during dinner in Kamloops about riding another 4-6 hours in the rain, enduring, not enjoying, and potentially not finding anywhere to stay once in Jasper, and decided to cut the long run north short. We headed east, toward Banff.
Stopped for fuel in Revelstoke, as we were pulling into the station the Honda 600 quit. Dead. Finally got it going enough to get it to the pumps, but it was doing truly odd electrical things and we decided enough. Found a motel, covered up the bikes hoping the engine heat and a dry place would dry out whatever'd gotten wet, and peeled off our soaking wet clothes and gear. The room looked like a disaster zone and smelled worse, my feet had been marinating in their own little puddles in my boots all day long, we won't discuss the odor involved, but you can imagine. It was a long day, not fun, and nothing to see as you were simply trying to stay warm and keep it on the road. Here's the moist contents of someone's wallet, just think about an entire motel room looking like this...

Awoke in the am to a beautiful day. The bikes all started right up. We discussed plans, but all the gear was still drying, we decided to stay another day. Paid the motel, and went to explore the area unencumbered by luggage or deadline. Revelstoke has a small downtown area, we were getting some breakfast when this pulled up to the bank. Nice...

Bridges of Revelstoke...

Found a little spur road, followed it around a lake. Happy to be riding without having water drip down the back of our necks, we stopped for some pics. Sorry the scenery is so generic...

So, a story. We got into the throttle a little out here, up to speed through the turns, just enjoying the flow. Met a waitress at a steak house later that night, she saw our helmets and asked us if we'd been on that road earlier. We said yes, and she told us her kids had come running in, telling her there were "really fast" motorcycles that had just gone by, they were "only a blur". The steak tasted funny...


I don't know either...

Riding back toward town, trying to perfect on-the-fly pic shooting...

Bridges of Revelstoke...

Thumbs up for dry pavement...

The bikes, clean and resting. Told you to just get used to it...

So, there's this dam. Here's the dam view...

And a road. Past the dam. It's a long road, virtually deserted. Long sweeping turns, long straight stretches. I pulled over out of lead spot and made the "Vanna White" gesture. We switched bikes, trying out each other's rides. I was told how much fun the "little" 600 was and had to try it out for myself. Did a few flyby's, listening to that motor wail. Never did look at the speedo, sorry guys. Fun stuff. These next two pics are me ripping by on the CBR...

Realized I had not tried out my own bike at speed, and did a few more runs past the guys. I'll post up the highspeed video when I get the other guys' cd's. Saw 174 mph, but there was not enough distance, I had to slow for the turn. Tune in later for the full highspeed run out in Montana...

Labels: Holiday, Motorcycle
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