Seattle to Tahoe and Back - Part 5
This section is devoted to the mountainbiking aspect of the trip... especially the spactacular Flume trail.
Technical rocks, sand in between, and over 8000ft conspire to make us hike a lot. Almost at the very top, though. Scenery's terrible, too.

Sim, being stubborn and trying to climb.

Break time at the top, time to suck up the scenery, eat and drink, and allow your oxygen level to get back to optimum. That's Lake Tahoe way down there.

Finally, the trail heads downhill, and I take point. Like I said, gravity loves me.

Switchbacking down the steep mountainside, the trail has jumps, rocks, sand, and enough steepness that you can flow effortlessly down, looking for air opportunities.

I nearly lost it on this corner, a combination of speed and unexpected loose sand has the front wheel turning but the bike continued to go straight. So, of course I had to get photos of the guys going through. A little hairy, but everyone made it. John demonstrates a two wheel drift....

Sim pivots the back wheel, keeping it upright.

"Yeah, I meant to do that."

Threading the needle at speed.

First section of downhill done, we travel towards the Flume trail, permanent grins.

I think it was something like, " WooHooYeehawOMYGod!!!".

The Flume trail....the beginning.

Group shot... This is classic Flume. Narrow trail clinging to the mountainside, awesome views, cliff edges and steep drops all the way down to the lake demand you divide your attentionbetween the sights and the need to stay on the challenging trail to avoid death.

Looking over the edge featured in the previous shot... thats a highway way down there.

The non-cliff trailside sections were also dangerous, check out the steepness in this shot. You can just see the trail edge in the foreground.

Damn paparrazi are EVERYWHERE!!

There is a trail in the middle of this shot..look close.

John, displaying the exposure, width, and views on the trail.

Had to be careful of rock overhangs, tagging one with your shoulder would mean you tumbled... and that would ruin your whole day.

Winding through the rocks.

The view.....

We had to get the bikes back by the time the shop closed at 5:30, meant we had to push hard to beat the deadline. The last 1 mile uphill was torture, but then we got to rip down the four mile fire road we'd initially climbed. I love fast roads, this one was excellent, the waterbars spaced and curved just right to act as launch ramps. We covered the four miles in less than 10 minutes, which meant we were doing more than 30mph in spots. I was arcing through the air, covering twenty feet past the jump before my tires touched down again. Over and over. What a descent, what a day. We returned to the motel, showered, and went out for a huge mexican feast. Returning to the room, we demolished some beer, then fell asleep embarassingly early. Next, we leave for Reno's Street Vibrations...
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