Seattle to Tahoe and Back - Part Eight
On a Quest to Crater Lake in Oregon... a huge lake formed when a volcanic caldera collapsed, it's a massive brilliant blue hole in the earth, almost 2000 feet deep.
First we had to get there, which meant travelling through some desolate countryside. This is Grass Lake... wonder where the name came from?

Another artistic shot...the road ahead. Bugs not included.

Quick rest stop on the road up to the crater...

Crater Lake. Pics really don't do it justice...the scale is lost. Truly a sight. Wizard Island, an ancient cinder cone, can be seen to the left here...

This shows the brilliance of the water...

Best I could do regarding trying to capture the enormity of the place...

Majestic vistas everywhere.

Group shot.. L->R Sim, John, Me(Bob).

Scale... The backside of Wizard Island with it's dock and a boat way down there.

Cruising the east side of the crater.

Mount Hood, I presume....

And I thought we were nuts....These roadies started down the mountainside just before we cruised by, they caught our draft for a bit, John paced them out at 55mph! Look at that grin.

Dude in blue had massive quads, was pushing all the way down.

Over the shoulder shot.

Everywhere you look, mountains peeking back.

Crater Lake is one of those wonders you really should see with your own eyes. My buddy John states that in winter, the surroundings are all white, the lake is unbelievably blue in comparison. Have to check it out.
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