Friday, April 13, 2007

Caution. Rant coming up....

I wear clothes. Despite my best efforts, they sometimes get dirty. Do I throw them away? Sometimes, but I'm getting off topic. Usually I WASH them. I truly don't relish the idea of hand washing things, so I have some "modern conveniences" installed. A washer and a dryer. Where? In the basement, of course, just like the majority of houses here in North America.

Where do I keep my clothes? Well, I get up, shower, and get dressed near the bedroom, which thoughtfully has closets designed for the express purpose of storing clothes. So, in the bedroom. Which is on the second floor.

Therefore, I corral all my dirty clothes in a hamper (pile on the floor), until I summon enough energy to carry them down two flights of steps and dutifully load them into the washer. Then, awaiting the cycle to finish, I check to see if they're done several times, which means a few more stair laps. Finally, I get to pull the wet, twisted clothing out of the drum and load it into a second machine, nearby, that dries them. One of life's mysteries is why washer and dryer cycles are not the same, doing more that one load guarantees you'll be waiting for one machine or the other..

When you are finally done, you have to carry the now clean clothing back up two flights of steps and place it back in it's assigned areas, ready to wear again.

This is progress?!!

The house I finally buy will have a soundproofed room inside the walk-in closet, with a washer/dryer combo inside, either synchronized to have complimentary time cycles, or by then I'll have created my washer/dryer in one machine, load and forget. O.K., I'm done.

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