Need to step it up to a fully armored car to impress that date? Gotcha covered....
"Grizzly APC
The leader in the high-threat security industry, Blackwater incorporates real-world lessons learned on the streets of Iraq and Afghanistan into all of our operations. Now, we’ve gone one step further.
Blackwater presents the GRIZZLY™ – the world’s only Armored Personnel Carrier intended to counter the most lethal threats in the modern urban combat environment.
The GRIZZLY™ incorporates the Blackwater High Threat Armor Protection System© (patent pending). This state-of-the-art technology is an exceptional armor system unmatched in the urban APC market. The Blackwater High Threat Armor Protection System is engineered to defeat projectiles up to .50 caliber and to provide an IED-survivable envelope.
The GRIZZLY™ is constructed of AR500, the best armored steel in the industry. The passenger compartment walls are angled to deflect the deadly blast waves produced by mines, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs) and improvised explosive devices (IEDs)."
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