I admit it, I'm an occasional FlickR voyeur. You have to go through a lot of crap, bad, poorly composed pics of ugly people doing ugly things, but you occasionally run across some beautiful work. This guy's from around Seattle, from his pics I glean he flies and travels pretty extensively. Nice work, and I'd give like to give him credit if I could only find the profile again. I downloaded these some time ago, and since lost the link. Click the pics to make them big because they are really nice.

I like the "been here for a long time, slowly being consumed" look to this. Textures and lighting are spot-on.

This is on top of a local hiking trail near Seattle. You're looking at I-90 down there in the distance, North Bend is the town you'd land in if you fell to the base from here.

This is a volcano in Alaska, sorry, that's all I remember about the pic.

Mt. St. Helen's of course. Nice pic.
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