OK, large pic post time. If you've been blogging my stuff, You know I've been pulling pics from the NSMTB website, as they're running a 4 month long photo contest. Some great shots.So, here are the final results. I'm NOT putting up the winners, as I don't agree and this is, afterall, MY world and I am KING!! ( If you want, click NSMB.com for the whole story.)
Lofting off ledges in Moab.
Lofting off ledges in Moab.

North shore style built stunts, nice little gap.
Big huckin.
Thats gonna hurt in about a second.
Dropping a ladder.
Thats a cool spiral. Watch your melon, though.
Darren Berrecloth, "Bearclaw". Dominating freeride contests for a year or so.
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