I get bored occasonally, I use the "Next Blog" button in the top right corner to randomly see what's mindbloggling on the inertnet recently.
P.S. Shame on you bloggers who move/remove this button.
Anyway, I stumbled into a site with some opinions and pretensions tonight. I kept trying to find some indication of it's humor, something tongue in cheek, some wisp of intelligence straining out from the cloud of ignorance and mindless herd instinct that virtually every post reeks of.....none. This site scares me.
Some highlights.... Harry Potter is " soft satanism". Here's an actual cut-n-paste.....
"Is this really the sort of content we should allow our young people to read and watch? Could you live with yourself knowing that in your neighborhood, children are being driven to insanity and suicide because of this hellish book? This is something we have to fight against."
Another post tells gleefully about getting a teacher fired because he "confused and upset" a woman's 11 yr old daughter by teaching the highly controversial, " Theory of Evolution".
Read the whole post... My only response is to shake my head in shame that I share the same genus and species with these folk.
The Site ?
Just found a tidbit on her pages... like most of these "Godly" people, she's uncompromisingly judgemental regarding differences of opinion, lifestlye, politics, etc. She alone apparently knows best about God's plan, the rest of us are just Godless sinners and heathens. As an aside, it seems these nuts have never taken a grammar nor spelling course, as her ranting is full of errors which show her education level to be approximately grade 8. Gays apparently get her crucifix spinning extra fast, because there's a lot of hate and blame being tossed about.
Actual, non-modified cut-n-paste.....
"My personal belief is that God might have been so upset that we allow gays to wander the streets of our great nation that he unleashed several attacks on us to punish us and lead us on the right way! Examples are 9/11 and Hurrican Kathrina. This is a heavy price to pay for gays that just can't hide their perversion. "
This sounds much like The rantings of the Westboro Church Group. What's going on in the Bush states??!!??
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