OUT of the utter horror of Haiti, comes a picture of incredible joy.
Meet Kiki, Boy Wonder, alive and well after eight days under the rubble of earthquake-blitzed Port au Prince.
Can you see the joy in the eight-year-old's eyes … he never gave up hope that he would be freed.
The rescue - and a picture that will bring tears to the eyes - defied the myth that people only survive being trapped for a couple of days or so.
Kiki was saved after an incredible operation, in the Nazan district of the Haitan capital, mounted by US earthquake experts.
The heroes and heroines were members of urban rescue squads from New York and Virginia, some of whom had been involved in the 9/11 horrors of New York in 2001.

Meet Kiki, Boy Wonder, alive and well after eight days under the rubble of earthquake-blitzed Port au Prince.
Can you see the joy in the eight-year-old's eyes … he never gave up hope that he would be freed.
The rescue - and a picture that will bring tears to the eyes - defied the myth that people only survive being trapped for a couple of days or so.
Kiki was saved after an incredible operation, in the Nazan district of the Haitan capital, mounted by US earthquake experts.
The heroes and heroines were members of urban rescue squads from New York and Virginia, some of whom had been involved in the 9/11 horrors of New York in 2001.

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