Sydney to London on a moped called Dot

Sydney to London on a moped. I wasn’t sure if it had ever been done before but the more I thought about it the more it sounded like a terrific idea. I was already in Australia, my visa was coming to an end and I already had the bike. I’d bought her off eBay for $1500, an old postman’s delivery hack nick named Dorris. Flat out she could do more than 80km/h and after just a week of ownership it was clear her bottom-end was already about to fall out.
Could I really ride her up to Darwin, through Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and on to England, home? How long would it take? How much would it cost? And how the hell was I going to make it the 4500 kilometres up to Darwin and across to East Timor in the fortnight immigration had just given me to get out? After two days to pack and plan, there was only one way to find out…
Blazing out of Sydney with the throttle wide open and Dorris loudly screaming, we had no clue what hurdles we would have to leap along the way. They would be high and frequent - visas, shipping, foreign tongues and exotic borders - that much was certain, and yet for the all this blind ambition and faith in something foolish, deep down we knew we could make it.
Could I really ride her up to Darwin, through Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and on to England, home? How long would it take? How much would it cost? And how the hell was I going to make it the 4500 kilometres up to Darwin and across to East Timor in the fortnight immigration had just given me to get out? After two days to pack and plan, there was only one way to find out…
Blazing out of Sydney with the throttle wide open and Dorris loudly screaming, we had no clue what hurdles we would have to leap along the way. They would be high and frequent - visas, shipping, foreign tongues and exotic borders - that much was certain, and yet for the all this blind ambition and faith in something foolish, deep down we knew we could make it.

Get comfy, all 72 pages are Here.

Labels: Headshake, kudos, Motorcycle
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