"Lights shot on again, and a man came out screaming at me to stop. I was clearly not the first through these particular parts, and as I ran I concluded that the guy in front of me hadn't just been grazed but had probably sustained a full bite.
I made it another half mile before I finally ran out of breath and collapsed in a quiet, dark yard.
I settled in, for the next couple of hours, to a half-trotting jog that covered distance while allowing me to try to clear my mind enough to think my way out of this situation. I had a vague idea of where I was, but was still none too sure. I had no idea what time it was, but my fears were telling me it was 5am (it was more likely around 2 or 3 at this point).
I was walking across a rather expansive yard when the unmistakable sound of someone running, fast, came to me. I could hear the leaves crunching as the gap closed between my pursuer and I with every second.
I immediately broke into a full sprint, not even looking back. The pounding steps came closer and closer, and I hunched over, expecting the bite of a taser at any moment followed by a command to put my hands where they could be seen.
The steps overtook me, and I looked up to see a naked man, without an axe, suddenly running in front of me, eyes trained on the ground in front of him."

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