Saturday, September 22, 2007

Two Days....

So, my riding buddy and I have a few days off, decide to do a short overnighter. But where? The first idea was Whistler...

The forecast called for rain all day if one was to head north, though, so plans were revised. Portland, Oregon was to be the destination...A short diversion through the bike nirvana that is Windy Ridge road, on the eastern flanks of Mt.St. Helens, then off to Portland for the evening...
Got to Randle, the tiny town where you have to fill up if you want your bike to be able to make the run. The distance and the tendency to have the throttle a little more open than usual on this stretch see to your fuel needs. The attendant let us know that the route was actually CLOSED for repairs. O.K. Scratch that plan, too. There is a workaround, but it's 15 miles of sharp loose gravel. No thanks. We decided to continue east, toward Yakima.
White Pass... Cold, but beautiful, excellent twisties. Climbing up, there's a section of double lane sweepers, for several miles. Constant radius, 90-100 mph, smooth, virtually no traffic. Good stuff. Over the top, round a bend, and....
Looking back toward the summit...
Striking a pose...
A road so nice we did it twice...
Bottoming out after the pass, we followed this lake, amazingly low water levels...
As is customary, Washington's east side is dry and sunny despite the drizzly west.
Curving along a river. We passed a cop here. He was headed west, us east. We were grooving along, probably 20-30 over. Fully expected an impending chat. Nope. Didn't even slow. A good omen.
Flaky columns...
Landscapes. It was around here where I got a little scare. I was just dawdling along, taking pics, enjoying as the sun warmed the leathers, when... " MMMMRrreammmm!!! " My bud goes by me in the other lane at warp 8, rapidly fading to a speck in the distance. After my heart rate got back under 150, I met up with him at an intersection, he was grinning in his helmet. He said he noticed me slowing, he slowly hung back to give himself enough room to get up to speed, then blasted past. Funny. You owe me some new boxers.
The cockpit...
Outside Yakima, some interesting light...
Not much out here...
Rolling scrub covered hills for miles, little traffic. Not much carbon left in these engines...

Got into the little town of Goldendale as the sun was getting low. Beautiful light, the town was living up to it's name, but since the sun was setting directly in front of us, visibility was terrible. Add to that our first deer sighting encounter, we cruised...

The road funnels down a valley wall, narrowing and losing its centerline. Usually a joy to run through quick, today we simply rolled down.
Got spit out at the Columbia river. We'd planned on taking the more scenic two lane north (Washington) road, but we were told they were closing it for long periods as several fires were burning in the area. So, plans changed again...
The sun was painting the sky...
Smoke. On the water. Fire in the sky...

The Hood River bridge deck is ALL grated steel. Looking down...
I don't like grated steel. Spent the next hour or so dicing with heavy traffic to get into Portland. Arrived coated with tiny fly carcasses gathered by riding along a river at dusk. Found our upscale hotel, the concierge, obviously put off by our mode of transport and overall filthiness, was almost disbelieving that "we" were staying "there". Found a quiet pub, ( Kelly's Olympian - it has ~15 vintage motorcycles hanging from cables on the ceiling.) had a few brews, walked to "The Pita Pit", ate, than crashed hard. It was a long day.
Awoke the next morning, Sun shining in. Heading south was a good idea. Discussed the route home, considered the coast, but it would mean another LONG day in the saddle. I mentioned Johnston Observatory, the west side of Mt. St. Helens. Bingo. Stopped just outside Portland at a bike shop, got some oil and some directions. Got some fuel for us and the bikes. All set.
Uneventful ride back up to the Columbia river, except for the large amount of police just hanging out roadside, saw 5 cars in that short 30 mile stretch. Your tax dollars at work, collecting more money. Bah. Crossed the river at Longview. Back in Washington...

No pics of the road to Johnston ridge. It's deserted, newly paved, smooth. Long straights connected by long arcing constant radius sweepers. Far to much fun to even think about a camera. Most vehicles pulled over to let us by as we approached, we waved thanks to all. Everyone just enjoying the day. First glimpse of the mountain...
Coldwater Observatory, seven miles before the end of the road. Yours truly...
And my partner in crime...
The steeds...
The valley we followed up. The water/mud/mountainside drained down through here, leaving a large flat bottomed drainage.
Had to take a pic of this sign. Yeah.
Still life...
Road ends here.
Still an alien landscape....

Thats all, folks...

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