20 Signs You Might Be A Geek
#1 You collect funny SPAM messages.#2 You talk to your computers, not because you're bored, but because you're afraid they might be.
#3 Your household ratio of computers to humans is at least 4:1.
#4 You are completely free of tan lines.
#5 When someone says 'organized sports' you think 'LAN party'
#6 You have lost most of your social abilities.
#7 You never used them anyway.
#8 When you must converse with others, you speak a cryptic language of acronyms decipherable only by another geek.
#9 No 'warranty seal' is safe in your presence.
#10 You have a gigantic box of spare cables that you never use.
#11 You could never be convinced to part with it.
#12 You want your 21" Trinitron CRT monitor to be buried with you.
#13 You understand why '42' and 'AYBABTU' are funny, and still laugh at both.
#14 You're afraid of the telephone.
#15 You're always free on Friday night. Free to play your favorite MMORPG
#16 You consider 'Geek' a complement.
#17 Your non geek friends have no idea what you do for a living.
#18 Camping in the woods, without electricity, or wireless access is your idea of a nightmare not a vacation.
#19 You have over 30 E-mail accounts, and check them all regularly.
#20 You understand computers better than people.

Stolen from here
Labels: Culture Commentary, Electronica
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