Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Feces-Filled Package Sent To Seminole County Commissioner

"SANFORD, Fla. -- The person who sent a Seminole County Commissioner a smelly package probably didn't agree with the commissioner's request for thousands of dollars in new office furniture.

Seminole County sheriff's investigators aren't yet sure where the feces came from or who sent it to Mike McLean's office.

Officials said the sender wrote comments on the white, letter-sized envelope that made it clear the sender was not happy about the furniture purchase. There was no return address.

A Postal Service spokeswoman said the U.S. Postal Service prohibits sending feces through the mail except for medical or veterinary purposes, and in those instances the samples must meet rigorous packing and labeling requirements.

Without some implied or written threat, however, a poop-filled package won't get the sender in trouble on the first offense."

That last sentence is the best part... start sending your own "special delivery" packages. Apparently, it's O.K.



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