Saturday, September 29, 2007

Found this in a post over at Good stuff. 50 rules of the road.
1. Assume you’re invisible.
2. Be considerate.
3. Dress for the crash, not the pool or the prom.
4. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
5. Leave your ego at home-The only people who really care if you were faster on the freeway will be the officer and the judge.
6. Pay Attention.
7. Mirrors only show you part of the picture.
8. Be patient
9. Watch your closing speed-Passing cars at twice their speed or changing lanes to shoot past a row of stopped cars is just asking for trouble.
10. Beware the verge and the merge.
11. Left-turning cars remain the leading killer of motorcyclists.
12. Beware of cars running traffic lights.
13. Check your mirrors
14. Mind the gap-One second’s worth of distance per 10 mph is the old rule of thumb. Better still; scan the next 12 seconds ahead for potential trouble.
15. Beware of tuner cars-They’re quick and their drivers tend to be aggressive.
16. Excessive entrance speed hurts.
17. Don’t trust that deer whistle.
18. Learn to use both brakes.
19. Keep the front brake covered-always.-Save a single second of reaction time at 60 mph and you can stop 88 feet shorter. Think about that.
20. Look where you want to go.
21. Keep your eyes moving.
22. Think before you act.-Careful whipping around that Camry going 7 mph in a 25 mph zone or you could end up with your head in the driver's side door when he turns into the driveway right in front of you.
23. Raise your gaze-It’s too late to do anything about the 20 feet immediately in front of your fender, so scan the road far enough ahead to see trouble and change trajectory.
24. Get your mind right in the driveway-Most accidents happen during the first 15 minutes of a ride, below 40mph, near an intersection or driveway.
25. Come to a full stop at that next stop sign.
26. Never dive into a gap in stalled traffic.
27. Don’t saddle up more than you can handle-If you weigh 95 pounds, avoid that 795-pound cruiser. If you’re 5-foot-5, forget those towering adventure-tourers.
28. Watch for car doors opening in traffic.
29. Don’t get in an intersection rut-Watch for a two-way stop after a string of four-way intersections.
30. Stay in your comfort zone when you’re with a group-Riding over your head is a good way to end up in the ditch.
31. Give your eyes some time to adjust-A minute or two of low light heading from a well-lighted garage onto dark streets is a good thing.
32. Master the slow U-turn-practice.
33. Who put a stop sign at the top of this hill?-Don’t panic. Use the rear brake to keep from rolling back down. Use Mr. Throttle and Mr. Clutch normally-and smoothly-to pull away.
34. If it looks slippery, assume it is.
35. Bang! A blowout! Now what?-No sudden moves. The motorcycle isn’t happy, so be prepared to apply a little calming muscle to maintain course. Ease back the throttle, brake gingerly with the good wheel and pull over very smoothly to the shoulder. Big sigh.
36. Drops on the faceshield?-Lightly misted pavement can be slipperier than when it’s been rinsed by a downpour. Apply maximum level concentration, caution and smoothness.
37. Emotions in check?-Take inventory every time you saddle up.
38. Wear good gear.
39. Leave the IPOD at home.
40. Learn to swerve.-Be able to do two tight turns in quick succession. Practice till it becomes a reflex.
41. Be smooth at low speeds.
42. Flashing is good for you-Easy taps on the pedal or lever before stopping makes your brake light more eye-catching to trailing traffic.
43. Intersections are scary, so hedge your bets.-Put another vehicle between your bike and the possibility of someone running the stop sign/light and you cut your chances of getting nailed in half.
44. Tune your peripheral vision.
45. All alone at a light that wont turn green?-Put as much of the bike directly above the sensor wire or try putting the kick stand down directly on the wire.
46. Everything is harder to see after dark.
47. Don’t troll next to-or right behind-Mr. Peterbilt.
48. Take the panic out of panic stops. Develop an intimate relationship with your front brake. Seek out some safe open pavement. Starting slowly, find that fine line between maximum braking and a locked wheel, and then do it again, and again.
49. Make your tires right-Check them for spot on pressure and any wear and tear.
50. Take a deep breath-Count to 10. Forgetting some clown’s 80-mph indiscretion beats running the risk of ruining your live, or ending it.

Labels: Culture Commentary, Motorcycle
I really liked this commercial, it first leads you in, then....wait, I'm ruining it. Watch....(1:33)
Looks like your "average" precision driving squad. Then, crunch, a mirror. Building to the crescendo. Good music, good directing, gets the point across. Nice.
Labels: Ads, Four Wheels, YouTube Vid
Series of pics taken one a day back in February. I don't know where, can't make out the plates. A little slice of real-life soap opera to entertain you on your morning commute. Wonder if the last pic is her?

Original site's Here.
Labels: Culture Commentary, ManvsWoman

Whisky sells for record £29,400
An anonymous telephone bidder has paid a £29,400 for a 157-year-old bottle of whisky.
McTears auctioneers in Glasgow sold the Bowmore single malt, which was bottled in 1850 .
The price, a record for a Scotch whisky at auction, was almost double pre-sale estimates, despite the fact that the whisky's cork had dropped into the bottle.
Twin brothers William and James Mutter operated the Bowmore distillery from the 1850s until the early 1890s when Bowmore Distillery Company Limited was formed.
The bottle was presented to William Mutter in 1851 at the time of him giving up his share of the distillery and has remained in the family for generations.
Bike Hits 130.7 mph. On Snow.

33 year old Austrian Markus Stoeckl has smashed the World Speed Record for series mountain bikes. Stoeckl, nicknamed "Hercules" because of his 6'4", 220 lbs. frame, broke the 8 year old record by 14 mph on a 2000 meter, 45 degree run in the Chilean Alps. Because of the extreme cold, Hercules had to hold his breath for the 40 second duration so his helmet didn't fog up.
See the video below, wherein Stoeckl makes it all look effortless.

33 year old Austrian Markus Stoeckl has smashed the World Speed Record for series mountain bikes. Stoeckl, nicknamed "Hercules" because of his 6'4", 220 lbs. frame, broke the 8 year old record by 14 mph on a 2000 meter, 45 degree run in the Chilean Alps. Because of the extreme cold, Hercules had to hold his breath for the 40 second duration so his helmet didn't fog up.
See the video below, wherein Stoeckl makes it all look effortless.
From Here.
Labels: Headshake, Mountain Bike, Sports
Little collection of "frozen instant" pics...
Stairway to heaven?
Stairway to heaven?

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Great Blue Hole at Lighthouse Reef
A feature attraction of Diving in Belize, Especially for divers with a appreciation of geographical phenomena, is the opportunity to explore the famed Blue Hole. Part of the Lighthouse Reef System, it lies approximately 60 miles off the mainland out of Belize City. It is one of the most astounding dive sites to be found anywhere on earth, right in the center of Lighthouse Reef is a large, almost perfectly circular hole approximately one quarter of a mile (.4 km) across. Inside this hole the water is 480 feet (145 m) deep and it is the depth of water which gives the deep blue color that causes such structures throughout the world to be known as "blue holes."
Like a giant pupil in a sea of turquoise, The Blue Hole is a perfectly circular limestone sinkhole more than 300 feet across and 412 feet deep. The array of bizarre stalactites and limestone formations which mould its walls seem to become more intricate and intense the deeper one dives. Near to The Blue Hole, one of Belize's largest protected areas, Half Moon Caye Natural Monument, encompasses 10,000 acres of the atoll and 15 square miles of surrounding waters.
More Here.

Labels: Ads

Labels: ManvsWoman

# The Dark Knight (2008) (filming) .... Lt. James Gordon
# Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) .... Sirius Black
... aka Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
# The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning (2006) (VG) (voice) .... Ignitus
# Bosque de sombras (2006) .... Paul
... aka BackWoods (International: English title)
... aka The Backwoods (France)
# Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) .... Sirius Black
... aka Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
# Batman Begins (2005) .... Jim Gordon
... aka Batman Begins: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
# Who's Kyle? (2004) .... Scouse
# Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004) .... Sirius Black
... aka Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version)
# Dead Fish (2004) .... Lynch
# Sin (2003/I) .... Charlie Strom
# True Crime: Streets of LA (2003) (VG) (voice) .... Rocky, Agent Masterson
# Tiptoes (2003) .... Rolfe
... aka Tiny Tiptoes (France)
# Medal of Honor: Allied Assault - Spearhead (2003) (VG) (voice) .... Sgt. Jack Barnes
# Beat the Devil (2002) .... Devil
... aka The Hire: Beat the Devil (USA: series title)
# Interstate 60 (2002) .... O.W. Grant
... aka I-60 (USA: promotional abbreviation)
... aka Interstate 60: Episodes of the Road (USA)
# "Friends" .... Richard Crosby (2 episodes, 2001)
- The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 1 (2001) TV Episode .... Richard Crosby
- The One with Monica and Chandler's Wedding: Part 2 (2001) TV Episode .... Richard Crosby
# Hannibal (2001) .... Mason Verger
# Nobody's Baby (2001) .... Buford Dill
# The Contender (2000) .... Rep. Sheldon Runyon
... aka Rufmord - Jenseits der Moral (Germany)
# Jesus (1999) (TV) .... Pontius Pilate
... aka Bibbia: Jesus, La (Italy)
... aka Bibel - Jesus, Die (Germany)
# "Tracey Takes On..." .... Hairdresser (1 episode, 1999)
- Hair (1999) TV Episode .... Hairdresser
# Guns N' Roses: Welcome to the Videos (1998) (V) (uncredited) .... Devil in Since I Don´t Have You video
# The Fifth Element (1998) (VG) (voice) .... Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
... aka Cinquième élément, Le (France)
# Quest for Camelot (1998) (voice) .... Baron Ruber
... aka The Magic Sword: Quest for Camelot
# Lost in Space (1998) .... Spider Smith
... aka LS (USA: promotional abbreviation)
# Air Force One (1997) .... Ivan Korshunov
... aka AFO
... aka Air Force One (Germany)
# The Fifth Element (1997) .... Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg
... aka Cinquième élément, Le (France)
# Basquiat (1996) .... Albert Milo
... aka Build a Fort, Set It on Fire
# The Scarlet Letter (1995) .... Rev. Arthur Dimmesdale
# Murder in the First (1995) .... Milton Glenn
... aka Meurtre à Alcatraz (France)
# Immortal Beloved (1994) .... Ludwig van Beethoven
# Léon (1994) .... Stansfield
... aka Leon (UK)
... aka The Cleaner
... aka The Professional (USA)
# Romeo Is Bleeding (1993) .... Jack Grimaldi
# True Romance (1993) .... Drexl Spivey
... aka Breakaway (Philippines: English title)
# "Fallen Angels" .... Pat Keiley (1 episode, 1993)
- Dead End for Delia (1993) TV Episode .... Pat Keiley
# Dracula (1992) .... Dracula
... aka Bram Stoker's Dracula (USA: complete title)
# JFK (1991) .... Lee Harvey Oswald
... aka JFK (France)
... aka JFK - Affaire non classée (France: poster title)
# Heading Home (1991) (TV) .... Ian Tyson
# Henry & June (1990) (as Maurice Escargot) .... Pop
# State of Grace (1990) .... Jackie Flannery
# Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead (1990) .... Rosencrantz
# "Knots Landing" .... Don Ross (1 episode, 1989)
- Close Call (1989) TV Episode .... Don Ross
# Chattahoochee (1989) .... Emmett Foley
# We Think the World of You (1988) .... Johnny
# Criminal Law (1988) .... Ben Chase
# Track 29 (1988) .... Martin
# The Firm (1988) (TV) .... Bex Bissell
# Prick Up Your Ears (1987) .... Joe Orton
# Sid and Nancy (1986) .... Sid Vicious
... aka Sid and Nancy: Love Kills
# Honest, Decent & True (1986) (TV) .... Derek Bates
# Morgan's Boy (1984) (TV) .... Colin
# "Dramarama" .... Ben (1 episode, 1984)
- On Your Tod (1984) TV Episode .... Ben
# Meantime (1984) (TV) .... Coxy
# Remembrance (1982) .... Daniel
Labels: Movies

"Blackle was created by Heap Media to remind us all of the need to take small steps in our everyday lives to save energy. Blackle searches are powered by Google Custom Search.
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002
In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.
We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy.
How can you help?
We encourage you to set Blackle as your home page. This way every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackle page load.
Help us spread the word about Blackle by telling your friends and family to set it as their home page. If you have a blog then give us a mention. Or put the following text in your email signature: " - Saving energy one search at a time".
Have a look at our energy saving tips page for ideas on steps you can take to save energy.
There are a lot of great web sites about saving energy and being more environmentally friendly. They are full of great tips covering the little things that we can all do to make a difference today. Try Blackling "energy saving tips" or visit a great blog dedicated to environmental awareness."
Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. "Image displayed is primarily a function of the user's color settings and desktop graphics, as well as the color and size of open application windows; a given monitor requires more power to display a white (or light) screen than a black (or dark) screen." Roberson et al, 2002
In January 2007 a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to the popularity of the search engine. Since then there has been skepticism about the significance of the energy savings that can be achieved and the cost in terms of readability of black web pages.
We believe that there is value in the concept because even if the energy savings are small, they all add up. Secondly we feel that seeing Blackle every time we load our web browser reminds us that we need to keep taking small steps to save energy.
How can you help?
We encourage you to set Blackle as your home page. This way every time you load your Internet browser you will save a little bit of energy. Remember every bit counts! You will also be reminded about the need to save energy each time you see the Blackle page load.
Help us spread the word about Blackle by telling your friends and family to set it as their home page. If you have a blog then give us a mention. Or put the following text in your email signature: " - Saving energy one search at a time".
Have a look at our energy saving tips page for ideas on steps you can take to save energy.
There are a lot of great web sites about saving energy and being more environmentally friendly. They are full of great tips covering the little things that we can all do to make a difference today. Try Blackling "energy saving tips" or visit a great blog dedicated to environmental awareness."
Too bad most monitors are now flat panel, not CRT's as the impact is massively diminished. Good Idea at the time, though (2002). Alternately, you could just set your home page to my blog, as it's mostly black, and reap the same benefits.
Check out Blackle Here
Check out Blackle Here
Labels: Cool site

The 2008 Kawasaki 250R has been redesigned and it looks good. The 250R makes a great entry level ride and it doesn’t lack for performance either, plus it’s the only 250cc sportbike for sale over here in the states. You get a 249cc DOHC parallel twin with a six speed transmission, great handling, high mileage and all for $3500. The little Ninja now looks a lot more like its current big brothers, the ZX-6R and ZX-10R, with bigger 17 inch wheels, single exhaust and a lot of other upgrades to make it an even better value than before, a nice bike to start with and for some, it may be all the bike they need.
From Kawasaki press release:
One look at the new Ninja 250R tells everyone that this bike is the genuine article. With a new full-fairing similar to the Ninja ZX-6R and -10R supersport bikes, a single kicked-up muffler, UNI-TRAK rear suspension, high-performance petal disc brakes and a dual seat, this is the most stylish performer in its category.
Compact size, exceptional personality and a low price tag highlight Kawasaki’s new Ninja 250R quarter-liter performer. Considering how much fun it is to ride and the fact that it’s the only 250cc sportbike sold in the U.S., it’s no wonder the Ninja 250R has been a strong seller for over a decade. Its successful blend of a rider-friendly engine, easy-to-operate chassis and supersport styling worthy of its Ninja moniker, this model was developed to offer real world performance to riders of all skill levels and goes to show that good things do come in small packages.
At the core of the lightweight Ninja 250R is an engine that thrives on high-rpm excitement. The gutsy 249cc parallel twin has been retuned to spice up its smooth and predictable power delivery. It now offers more low- and mid-range torque thanks to revisions to its dual overhead camshafts and a new 2-into-1 exhaust system. A silky smooth six-speed transmission tops off the sportbike equipment list, enabling the 250R to exploit a powerband that’s sure to please riders with its beginner friendly low-end grunt and a lively top-end rush that’ll keep seasoned veterans satisfied. The coup de’ grace, is its ability to deliver excellent fuel economy.
The 250R’s new fairing and windscreen not only look great, they deliver improved wind protection for a wide range of riding situations. This lightweight sportbike is loaded with even more rider-friendly features such as an easy-to-read instrument panel and positive neutral finder.
A natural riding position and comfortable ergonomics combined with its lightweight handling, easy controllability and improved throttle response make the 250R a pleasure to ride on city streets. Also new for 2008 are larger 17-inch wheels that offer great handling and improved stability. A larger 290mm front brake rotor is gripped by a powerful 2-piston caliper to provide a healthy dose of stopping power with a responsive feel at the lever. Like Kawasaki’s other sport models, the Ninja 250R is fitted with petal discs for efficient heat dissipation.
The simple formula of providing easy-handling agility, lightweight responsiveness, and low ownership costs make the Ninja 250R a force to be reckoned with in the entry-level sportbike category.

Labels: Motorcycle